Fellow Club Members,
It is amazing that we were able to see and hear our Peace Fellow for part of this week’s meeting, but too bad she could not have continued. Raul is placing her Power Point along with her notes on our website, if you have a chance be sure to check it out.
Also, I would like to add that she has been a major help to our current medical VTT, Vocational Training Team trip to Malawi now scheduled for January of 2022 and 2023. Ray Kistler and his wife Lucinda Kolo Kistler MD met Chimwemwe first when she was volunteering on weekends to help at the Malawi relocation camp outside of the capital of Lilongwe several years ago. A camp designed for 10,000 that now has 40,000.
Imagine a young mother and doctor working 7 days a week to help others!
That is how dedicated she is to the less fortunate. She is amazing.
If you check out her slides you will learn more of what motivates her. As well as gain an appreciation for our wonderful Peace Fellowship program.
Rotary District 5110 Governor 2011-12
Foundation Chair 2016-19
Peace Fellow Chair 2019-22
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. Thomas Edison