Back in the 80s several of us participated in the Vacaville Rotary Fly-in. Using planes that were owned by fellow Rotarians, we flew with planes, loaded with club members, to the Nut Tree landing strip to attend a special lunch at the Nut Tree. Each lunch featured a special speaker. Three people that I particularly remember were General Jimmy Doolittle, Pappy Boyington and Mr Piper who owned Piper Aircraft. I always purchased their books and stood in line to have them autographed. Over 100 planes would show up for the event, from Cessna 150 to the largest, a restored B25. They even had a Lear jet on one occasion. The participation got so large that they had to move to Napa County Airport. After lunch it was a mad dash to reach your plane and take off to return home. Sadly it eventually was discontinued.
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