“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Mahatma Gandhi
Service is the selfless act of giving others what they could not provide for themselves. The act has the potential to transform, not only others, but also the person who performs the service. Being a Rotarian, we know and understand the importance of service inside and out.
Personally, I have discovered many benefits of living a life of service. Selflessness is the first benefit that comes to mind. The action of service allows us to think first about the needs of others and then to consider how we may help. Service also creates leaders through the act of working through project details with others involved. Time management is also a benefit. A friend once said, “when you have less time, you spend your remaining time more wisely.” So true!! In making a positive difference in the lives I touch through acts of service, I feel whole.
Please join me and your fellow Rotarians this Tuesday on another virtual ZOOM meeting when we get to hear about the Medford Rogue Rotary Club’s Guatemala Project. The project team, Rachel Torres, Colleen Padilla, and Bruce Laird will discuss their ongoing project in Patanatic, Guatemala and surrounding villages. Their service efforts include building a medical clinic, dispersing water filters and wood stoves, and supporting students through middle school and high school.
Rotarians are People of Action and I am so happy to have found my tribe. Rotary feeds my soul. I hope it feeds yours too!
“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Howard Zinn
Rotary Club of Medford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on Tuesday, May 5th at noon.
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Meeting ID: 984 0828 2504
Password: 858740
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Meeting ID: 984 0828 2504
Password: 858740
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Yours in Rotary Service,
Michelle Corradetti, President
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