An-ti-ci-pa-tion…. Do you remember the old Heinz Ketchup commercial? That ketchup was soooo slow but oh, so good on a BBQ burger or plate of hot fries. Do you remember the anticipation of hearing the phone ring and having that someone special on the other line? Or the anticipation of the results posted for your last semester of college finals? Or waiting for that someone special to ask the question or hear the word yes? So many moments of anticipation we can all recall at multiple points of time in our lives.
I anticipate and look forward to the Ashland Independent Film Festival in Ashland every Spring. It was heartening to hear the news that AIFF has a Plan B in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. All of you film lovers will be excited to hear the festival will now be in a digital format this year!
Please join me this Tuesday for The Rotary Club of Medford’s first ever virtual ZOOM meeting where we will have AIFF’s Artistic and Executive Director, Richard Herskowitz share the exciting news of this year’s film festival!
Give yourself a respite from your new daily quarantine routine and join all of your Rotary friends for some Rotary fellowship and discover an array of new films that will help fill that void we are all feeling right now. Some things are worth waiting for and this festival is definitely one of them.
I anticipate our lives will look much differently on the other side of COVID-19, and I think there will be a lot of aspects of life no longer taken for granted. That is actually a good thing…. Maybe even a few lessons learned. Times like these will ultimately bring people together (even though we are temporarily apart). I know that Rotarians will be needed more than ever. Get ready, I anticipate a World of change ahead!
Here is your invite to Tuesday’s meeting! Be well and I look forward to seeing you on the “Brady Bunch” screen!
Yours In Rotary Service,
Michelle Corradetti, President
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Topic: Rotary Club of Medford – April 7 2020 – Noon Meeting
Time: Apr 7, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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