Tuesday, April 14th at noon will be our Rotary Club’s next virtual ZOOM meeting! Please mark your calendars to join your Rotary family for some respite from the outside world!
This will be an abbreviated meeting as we will not be following the usual meeting agenda. My hope is to bring us together for a great program, Rotary and Club announcements, and virtual fellowship.
Tomorrow most of us will more than likely be celebrating Easter in a much different fashion than usual. I hope the spirit of the day remains intact! A moment of gratitude and reflection, an Easter egg hunt, and brunch are still on the Corradetti agenda. I did order a COVID-19 chocolate bunny from Lillie Belle Farms in Central Point but didn’t realize they turned this crisis to their advantage with ingenuity. The New York Times ran a story on our local chocolatier and they have received over 5000 orders and will be making COVID bunnies for the rest of the month, if not longer, to fill the orders across the nation! I was sad not to have a chocolate bunny on the day but am thrilled to hear this local success story during our COVID quarantine! The bunny will still be relevant when I get to pick it up and the chocolate just as delicious! Did you order your COVID Bunny??
Here is a link to help you access the ZOOM meeting.
Here is the ZOOM meeting invitation:
Rotary Club of Medford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Rotary Meeting
Time: Apr 14, 2020 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 270 971 369
Password: 875292
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Meeting ID: 270 971 369
Password: 875292
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Yours in Rotary Service,
Michelle Corradetti, President
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