Rotary 5110 in Action eNews 04-12-2022

The Original Club in Southern Oregon, Founded May 15, 1923
100 Days of Reading ChallengeBy DG Gerry Kosanovic
To keep children in rural America learning this summer, Save the Children is hosting a 100 Days of Reading challenge. What is the 100 Days of Reading Challenge? Save the Children challenges children and families to read at least 20 minutes every day from June 1 – September 8 (World Literacy Day). To help, Save the Children is providing partners with resources, tools, and funding to support a local reading challenge in their community as a fun way to encourage reading all summer long. What do challenge hosts need to do? Click here to find out at the D5110 website. |
Levity — Baseball is Back–Time for YogismsBy Mike Corwin While there are many, here our Top 20 Yogisms: