Dear Rotarian,
If you received the club’s “Updater” bulletin in your email this morning, please click on the “Who Am I” announcement under “Upcoming Events” (or click here: for that link).
There is an RSVP button there – please RSVP to let us know by Friday if you plan to attend in-person and will have any guests so that we can provide an estimate to the Rogue Valley County Club’s banquets manager.
Please know that masks are again mandated to be worn indoors.
Also, we the meeting will be in a hybrid format so that those who cannot attend in person may still attend by Zoom. Below please find the program announcement followed by the Zoom meeting link information. If you plan to attend by Zoom, please respond to this email directly rather than to use the RSVP link above (which is for planning the number of meals to prepare).
Thank you all and I hope to see you next Tuesday.
AUGUST 17 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Find out more about our newest Rotary members in their “Who Am I?” presentations. We have inducted four new members so two will present on August 17 and the other two will present the following Tuesday. These presentations are always a Rotary favorite!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 271 845 9770
Passcode: 209937
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) Meeting ID: 271 845 9770
Passcode: 209937
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