Introduced by Andy Batzer, Cheryl Zimmerer of LOGOS Charter School explained what a Charter school is and does. A Charter school is really a public school, but is special in that it can offer customized education for students. The schools also have a “cap” on how many students can attend. In Oregon, there are 140 Charter schools and there is a wait list to attend all of them. LOGOS has a cap of 1000 students. They are a K-12 school and were founded in 2010. Students are accepted to a Charter School from anywhere. LOGOS even has a student from Sunny Valley attending. LOGOS, because it is considered a State public agency, pays PERS for employees. LOGOS has about 80 employees including 50 teachers. Their graduation rate is 86.9%. Many students will graduate from LOGOS with enough college credits to enter college as a Junior. LOGOS is in the process of building a new 26,000 sq. ft. school out of Rossanley. For more information on LOGOS, please go to: