Next week’s club meeting promises another very interesting program. Lt. Rebecca Pietila will be updating us on the work of the City of Medford’s Livability Team. Come and learn about their work and add your questions and concerns.
Also, we will be planning our joint meeting on April 30 at Rogue Valley Manor with our new Satellite Club. Since space is a little more limited at the Sunrise Room at that location we need to take reservations that will encompass attendance and Subway sack lunches. Expected cost is $10.00 for the lunch. Our speaker at that meeting on macular degeneration will be Dr. Adam AufderHeide and we will also hear about progress in developing the Satellite Club’s service project “RVM residents helping residents.”
Patrick Green will be our Greeter and Inspiration this week, Dennis Morgan will lead us in song and Scott Weaver will be our Sergeant at Arms.
President Al