Thank you for your dedication and service to the club. We appreciate it, and the club would not be the same without your effort.
Dear Rotarians (and future Rotarians),
I am proud to be a part of your club as we head into our 90th year! My fellow Rotarians have made this an exciting club to be a part of and I am excited for what this year holds. This club works because of the dedication of an amazing group of individuals that come together each week to be involved in the community. We are so lucky to have Medford Rotary Club members who step up in the community through service projects and in the Rotary organization through District Leadership and do so always with a sense of FUN.
If you are not yet a Rotarian, come check out the oldest and most dynamic club in the district first and it will save you time in “shopping around”. We are currently looking for individuals who want to make a difference in their community and throughout the world. Individuals in our club join smaller committees to organize the Rotary Relays (a track meet for high school students held each Spring), ring bells at Christmas for the Salvation Army, travel around the world to provide money and service to communities through Rotary projects, and organize work days to help beautify, clean, and improve our local community. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Are you looking to get involved? Do you believe that “Service Above Self” is the life you have been living without the vehicle to create a difference in thousands and thousands of lives? Then Medford Rotary is for you!
But Rotary can be so much more. Our newer members typically join Rotary to meet business and community leaders, make lifelong friendships, and have fun. Seem too good to be true? Come join us for lunch and find out.
We meet from 12:10 until 1:10 every Tuesday at the Rogue Valley Country Club.
Thank you for providing me the chance to guide this club for the Rotary year!
Matt Patten
President 2012-2013