Trees have lived on the Earth long before mankind arrived and will probably be here long after humans have died out. They are objects of beauty in their own right, yet they help us in so many ways. From the timber with which we build our homes to the coveted rolls of toilet paper and the oxygen that we breathe in, trees are an important part of our lives – especially here in Oregon.
This week we have the pleasure of listening to Conservationist and Citizen Advocate for the Pacific Northwest, Rachel Lee Hall, with some suggestions on how to save our precious forests from the ravages of fire that has plagued our area of recent. Rachel planted over 250,000 conifers for the government and private sector in Southern Oregon four decades ago. She truly has a vested interest in managing our forests for future generations to enjoy.
Please join me and your Rotary friends for an afternoon of Rotary fellowship on a virtual ZOOM experience. This is how we are conducting our weekly meetings given the circumstances. If you have yet to try out ZOOM, it is easy! Just download the free ZOOM app on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Here is a quick tutorial on how to join a ZOOM meeting:
There are also many tutorials on This is a great way to connect with friends and family far away during times like these.
Below please find the invitation to this week’s meeting:
Rotary Club of Medford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting on Tuesday, May 19th at noon.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 984 0828 2504
Password: 858740
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Meeting ID: 984 0828 2504
Password: 858740
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Have you hugged a tree lately? If you listen closely, they may have a story or two to tell! Hope to see you on Tuesday!
Yours in Rotary Service,
Michelle Corradetti, President
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