“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action …”
There is a need in our community for blood products. The Red Cross had to cancel several blood drives and abandon using the Bloodmobile due to non-compliance with social distancing. Rotarians can unite and take action to remedy that problem. On May 5th (easy to remember, its Cinco de Mayo) from 11-4pm there is a private blood drive scheduled for members of the 10 Rotary clubs in Southern Oregon and their families. This is a great way to engage our members, do something positive for our community and build the Rotary Brand in the Rogue Valley.
We invite you to be a part of this shared service project!
- Donations are by appointment only.
- You can register here.
- Use the SPONSOR CODE “Rotaryclubs” which will connect you to the private blood drive registration.
(If that doens’t work go to redcrossblood.org website. In the upper right hand corner there is a red box to enter the sponsor code. Will take you to the sign up page for the Rotary blood drive.)